Cover for iPhone® 7/iPhone® 8


BHD 17.996

شامل الضريبة
إضافة إلى قائمة الرغبات

وصف المنتج

Stylish looks and reliable protection from scratches ─ this plastic cover is suitable for iPhone® 7 and iPhone® 8 models. The matt hard case features an alubeam silver design with high-gloss stripes, its stylish looks further embellished by a 3D star. Aperture for camera, buttons and connections ensure reliable and convenient use of the smartphone. Note: wireless charging is not supported.

- Colour: alubeam silver
- Material: plastic
- for iPhone® 7/iPhone® 8
- aperture for camera, control buttons and connections

معلومات المنتج

  • الحساس: B66953561

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