Navigation update licence, COMAND Online, Australia, New Zealand, Version 2018
AED 1,082.55
شامل الضريبةA0000005800
AED 1,082.55
شامل الضريبةUpdated navigation data for the COMAND ONLINE (NTG5 Star2) navigation unit.
The map data update featuring navigation data for 2 countries, with major and minor roads, towns, villages and plenty of points of interest in:
Australia and New Zealand
Over 1.3 million kilometres of road identified by the new navigation system overall.
This includes 67 towns and communities.
Points of Interest (POI):
Almost 419,000 key points of interest are featured in the update, including filling stations, car parks, museums, restaurants and hospitals. This equates to approx. 2027 more POIs than in the previous version. If required, the navigation system will also show the user the quickest route to 228 Mercedes-Benz service outlets.
Some 366 hotels and 861 nightlife Points Of Interest have been added in the new version.
Dynamic route guidance based on the latest traffic data (TMC/RDS):
Using the data from the Traffic Message Channel, the navigation system takes into account the latest motorway traffic bulletins and automatically calculates diversions. This convenient service is now available in the following country: Australia
Road network updates:
Map updates include millions of changes, e.g. new roads, crossroads, bypasses, junctions and motorway slip roads and exits. One section of road may feature up to 260 attributes, such as the number of lanes or one-way streets. All of these attributes and the vast number of points of interest have to be updated constantly. In this new version, for example, over 12,373 roundabouts, 57,471 turning restrictions, 62,460 one-way streets and 414,582 street names have been updated. In addition, over 181,678 kilometres of road have been updated, including approx. 2171 sections of motorways and dual carriageways.
This navigation update is copy-protected for COMAND Online. A six-figure activation code is therefore required to install the latest map data. Each activation code represents a licence to use the map data in a single vehicle and is exclusively valid for a specific combination of vehicle, COMAND Online and map version. Navigation map data updates can be acquired for free from the COMAND Download Manager and transferred to your own USB flash drive for installation on the head unit; the required vehicle-specific activation codes are available via the VeDoc system. The newly acquired licence is documented in VeDoc at the time of purchase. A charge is made for the activation code, but it can be re-requested free of charge in VeDoc in the event of a replacement. Details of how to import up-to-date map data and input the activation code can be found in the COMAND Online operating instructions. Ordering an activation code requires access to VeDoc and specific user rights. Access to VeDoc is free of charge. User rights are assigned by the VeDoc hotline.
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