EQC, 400, 4MATIC, N293


AED 99.23

شامل الضريبة


يمكنك تقديم استفسار عن المنتجات غير المتاحة للشراء عبر الإنترنت اليوم.
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وصف المنتج

EQC 400 4MATIC, glass sliding sunroof or 20-inch (50.8 cm) AMG light-alloy 10-spoke wheels: the miniature model of the EQC N293 features electromobility of the highest detail and in line with the original CAD data. Painted in an authentic shade and equipped with a true to original, high-quality interior, the precision model features outstanding detail fidelity. The model is mounted on a printed base in a presentation box and is delivered in Mercedes-Benz EQC designer packaging.

- Model series: EQC 400 4MATIC N293
- Scale: 1:43
- Material: die-cast zinc with plastic parts
- Length: approx. 11.1 cm
- Hand-assembled from over 50 individual parts
- Made for Mercedes-Benz by Minimax

معلومات المنتج

  • الحساس: B66963755

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